An improved return stroke model that is both physically oriented and has a relatively straightforward mathematical basis is proposed. The current at the channel base is specified, and a time-dependent discharging of the charge stored on the leader channel determines the channel current as a function of height and time. The discharging process is separated into (1) the exponential discharge of the leader head and leader core with a relatively short time constant, less than 1 μs, which we call the “breakdown” time constant, and (2) the exponential discharge of the charge stored around the leader core with a longer time constant, of the order of microseconds. If a typical measured channel-base current is assumed and if the discharge time constants are properly chosen, electric and magnetic field wave shapes calculated with the model exhibit all the significant characteristics of measured fields. From a comparison of calculated and measured field wave shapes, we find a ratio of the breakdown time constant to the channel-base current rise time between 1 and 5. Comparison of typical characteristics of field wave shapes from natural and from artificially initiated (triggered) lightning indicates a faster discharging process for triggered lightning. Depending on the breakdown time constant, the return stroke speed determined using the well-known formula for the transmission-line model, with inputs being the peak electric field and peak current from the present model, are in the range from about 50 percent to 90 percent of the return stroke speed assumed in the present model. The corresponding transmission-line model speeds determined from the peak derivatives of the electric field and current are in the range from about 140 percent to 160 percent of the assumed return stroke speed. These results supply some indication of why transmission-line model speeds determined from the ratio of measured peak current and field derivatives in triggered lightning are greater than the speeds determined from the ratio of measured peak currents and fields. For a given channel-base current, the initial peak electric field and field derivative derived from the model increases as the height above ground of the strike point increases. The new model can therefore explain the differences in the data obtained from the triggered lightning studies at Kennedy Space Center in 1985 and in 1987 as being due to the different height of the triggering structures in those two years. If natural lightning strikes an elevated object, the increase of the initial electric field and field derivative can result in an additional substantial error in determining the peak current and peak current derivative from the transmission-line model.
D. M. Le Vine,et al.
Comparison of fast electric field changes from subsequent return strokes of natural and triggered lightning
Richard E. Orville,et al.
Cloud-to-ground lightning flash characteristics from June 1984 through May 1985
C. Leteinturier,et al.
Current and electric field derivatives in triggered lightning return strokes
K. Berger.
Parameters of lightning flashes
C. F. Wagner,et al.
The Lightning Stroke-II
Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems.
M. Uman,et al.
Magnetic field of lightning return stroke
E. Philip Krider,et al.
The fine structure of lightning return stroke wave forms
M. Uman.
Lightning return stroke electric and magnetic fields
Y. T. Lin,et al.
Lighting return-stroke models
Martin A. Uman,et al.
Variation in light intensity with height and time from subsequent lightning return strokes
J. R. Grant,et al.
Characterization of Lightning Return Stroke Electric and Magnetic Fields From Simultaneous Two- Station Measurements (Paper 9C0949)
J. C. Willett,et al.
Submicrosecond intercomparison of radiation fields and currents in triggered lightning return strokes based on the transmission-line model
E. Williams,et al.
Corona envelopes and lightning currents
V. P. Idone,et al.
Lightning return stroke velocities in the thunderstorm research international program (TRIP)
M. Uman,et al.
Lightning return stroke current models with specified channel‐base current: A review and comparison
Martin A. Uman,et al.
Currents in Florida lightning return strokes
C. F. Wagner,et al.
The lightning stroke
Electrical Engineering.
Richard E. Orville,et al.
Correlated observations of three triggered lightning flashes
Richard E. Orville,et al.
An experimental test of the 'transmission-line model' of electromagnetic radiation from triggered lightning return strokes