How to re solve Pleis to cene strati graphic prob lems by dif fer ent meth ods ? A case study from east ern

Dif fer ent meth ods have been used to de ter mine the strati graphic po si tion of Pleis to cene al lu vial de pos its, par tic u larly flu vial inter gla cial de pos its. Near-sur face de pos its of a me an der ing river, de vel oped in point-bar and ox bow lake fa cies, in the Samica River val ley (near £uków, east ern Po land) have been in ves ti gated. The fos sil val ley is in cised into the till plain and the outwash. The flu vial suc ces sion is lo cally over lain by solifluction de pos its. All the de pos its un der went sedimentological anal y sis. The petrographic com po si tion of basal till oc cur ring in the vi cin ity of a fos sil val ley was de ter mined with the method of in di ca tor er rat ics. Flu vial de pos its were ex am ined by pol len anal y sis and plant macrofossil anal y sis of ox bow lake fa cies. Ab so lute dat ing meth ods were ap plied to the de pos its (thermoluminescence meth ods: TL and ad di tion ally IRSL). Lithological dif fer ences be tween flu vial and the sur round ing glaciofluvial de pos its were iden ti fied and their lithostratigraphic po si tion as signed. Petrographic anal y sis of till and palaeobotanical anal y ses of ox bow lake fa cies gave com pat i ble re sults. Flu vial de pos its were formed af ter the Sanian 2/Elsterian Gla ci ation, dur ing the Mazovian/Holsteinian Inter gla cial. Lu mi nes cence dat ing of the flu vial de pos its by the TLMAX method yielded the most rel e vant re sults (412–445 ka), which in di cate that these de pos its were formed dur ing the end of the MIS 12 and be gin ning of the MIS 11 stage.