New crystal forms and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex from bovine heart.

Two new crystal forms of the cytochrome bc1 complex (ubiquinol:ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase, EC. from bovine heart mitochondria were obtained by the batch method with polyethylene glycol 4000 as the precipitant, when buffer was exchanged from Tris-HCl to potassium phosphate. The first crystal form belongs to the hexagonal space group P61 or P6(5) with unit-cell constants of a = b = 131 A and c = 720 A. The reproducibility of crystallization and the quality of this crystal form were improved by an addition of ZnCl2 to the protein solution. The second crystal form, obtained from the enzyme preparation purified by crystallization, belongs to the tetragonal space group P4(1) or P4(3) with unit-cell constants of a = b = 190 A and c = 445 A. Both crystals diffracted X-rays to 6.5 A resolution and gave sharper diffraction spots than the previous monoclinic form. X-ray intensity data to 8.0 A resolution for the hexagonal crystal and to 7.0 A resolution for the tetragonal one were collected with synchrotron radiation.