On occupation times of the first and third quadrants for planar Brownian motion

An open problem of interest, first infused into the applied probability community in the work of Bingham and Doney in 1988, (see \cite{Bingham}) is stated as follows: find the distribution of the quadrant occupation time of planar Brownian motion. In this short communication, we study an alternate formulation of this longstanding open problem: let $X(t), Y(t), t \geq 0$ be standard Brownian motions starting at $x,y$ respectively. Find the distribution of the total time $T=Leb\{t \in [0,1]: X(t) \times Y(t) >0\}$, when $x=y=0$, i.e., the occupation time of the union of the first and third quadrants. If two adjacent quadrants are used, the problem becomes much easier and the distribution of $T$ follows the arcsine law.