Measurement and improvement of manufacturing capacities (MIMAC): Final report

This document describes the Measurement and Improvement of MAnufacturing Capacity (MIMAC) project, a joint effort between JESSI/MST and SEMATECH. Its primary objective was to identify and measure the effects and interactions of the major factors that cause loss in fab capacity. In particular, the project focused on understanding the impact of these factors on the capacity planning process. Secondary objectives were to identify areas for further investigation by researchers and to demonstrate the feasibility of European and American cooperation in manufacturing modeling. Supporting documents for the MIMAC project are as follows: Measurement and Improvement of Manufacturing Capacity (MIMAC) Survey and Interview Results, Technology Transfer #94052374A-XFR, Measurement and Improvement of Manufacturing Capacity (MIMAC) Bibliography, Technology Transfer # 94062424A-XFR, and Measurement and Improvement of Manufacturing Capacity (MIMAC) Designed Experiment Report, Technology Transfer # 95062860A-TR.