Soil Erosion Research Methods

1. Soil Erosion by Wind and Water: Problems and Prospects, R. Lal The Need for Improved Data Data Extrapolation Standardization of Methodology and Data Reliability Record Duration and Data Continuity Toward Standardization of Research Methods 2. Laboratory and Field Plots for Erosion Research, C. K. Mutchler, C. E. Murphree, and K. C. McGregor The Project Outline The Soil Erosion Process Small Plots Conclusions 3. Measuring Sediment Yield from River Basins, D. E. Walling Introduction Reliability of Existing Sediment Yield Data Designing Sediment Yield Monitoring Programs Additional Sources of Information on Sediment Yields 4. Rainfall Simulators for Soil Erosion Research, L. D. Meyer Characteristics of Rainfall Simulators Types of Rainfall Simulators Personnel Requirements and Related Equipment Rainfall Simulators: Asset or Burden? 5. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, K. G. Renard, J. M. Laflen, and D. K. McCool R-factor K-factor L- and S-factor C-factor P-factor Comparison of RUSLE and USLE Summary 6. Modeling Soil Erosion, M. A. Nearing, L. J. Lane, and V. L. Lopes Mechanics of Erosion by Water Development of a Physically-Based Erosion Model Model Analysis Modeling on Watershed Scales Integrated Systems for Water Erosion Prediction 7. Research Progress on Soil Erosion Processes and a Basis for Soil Conservation Practices, C. W. Rose Types and Objectives of Soil Erosion Models Basic Approach to Sediment Erosion and Transport Erosion/Deposition Process Model A Simplified Erosion Process Model The Effect of Plot Length on Soil Loss per Unit Area Effect of Surface Contact Cover and Slope on Soil Loss 8. Erodibility and Erosivity, R. Lal and W. Elliot Soil Erosion Process Soil Erodibility Summary 9. Assessing Vegetative Cover and Management Effects, M. A. Stocking How Vegetative Cover and Management Work Key Areas in Crop Cover and Management Research Methodologies 10. Monitoring the Impact of Soil Erosion on Crop Productivity, F. J. Pierce and R. Lal The Need for Erosion-Productivity Research Approaches to the Problem Toward a Minimum Data Set The Erosion-Productivity MDS Model Building and Validation Summary and Conclusions 11. Wind Erosion, E. L. Skidmore Soil Erodibility by Wind Wind Erosivity Ridge Roughness Field Length Vegetative Factor A Wind Erosion Model Management Effects Conclusions 12. Methods for Investigating Basic Processes and Conditions Affecting Wind Erosion, E. L. Skidmore, L. J. Hagen, D. V. Armbrust, A. A. Durar, D. W. Fryrear, K. N. Potter, L. E. Wagner, T. M. Zobeck Wind Databases and Simulation Particle Detachment and Transport Aggregate Stability Dry Aggregate Size Distribution Surface Roughness: Shelter Angle Distribution Surface Roughness: Digitization of Pin Meter Photos Surface Crusting Loose Surface Particles Soil Wetness Canopy Structure Field Scale Wind Erosion Measurement Index