The ARS-scatterometer at the IOF Jena which has been designed and built in cooperation with the Carl Zeiss JENA GmbH is capable of performing accurate measurements of the BRDF over a range of approximately eleven orders of magnitude (from 105 to 10-6 sr-1) in BRDF. These measurements can be carried out for surfaces made of any dielectric, metallic or semiconductor material. A He-Ne-laser is used in conjunction with a mirror beam focusing optics. The eight motorized degrees of freedom of the instruments are computer controlled and interfaced to the user by a sophisticated software running under MicroSoft Windows. It is shown, that the scatterometer is sensitive to a rms-roughness better than 1 nm.
J. M. Bennett,et al.
Vector Scattering Theory
T. Vorburger,et al.
Regimes of surface roughness measurable with light scattering.
Applied optics.
J. Zavada,et al.
Relationship between surface scattering and microtopographic features (A)
F. E. Nicodemus.
Reflectance nomenclature and directional reflectance and emissivity.
Applied optics.
E Pelletier,et al.
Characterizations of optical surfaces by measurement of scattering distribution.
Applied optics.