Managing for success in international scientific collaborations: views from Canadian government senior science managers
Large-scale international scientific collaborations (ISCs) are one of several mechanisms that allow governments and businesses to tap into the global knowledge base. Participating in ISCs to access scientific knowledge from around the world is vital for a relatively small country like Canada to ensure success in building science and science-based capabilities and as a way to establish a respected reputation among nations. This paper explores the views of Canadian senior scientists and science managers from government laboratories on collaborations in large-scale ISCs with foreign countries and how Canada and its scientists are perceived on the international scientific scene. This knowledge is important as perceptions of a country's science capabilities and performance can affect international positioning for economic and science strength, ability to attract business investment, and even international political power. The results of the interviews lead to the conclusion that ISCs can be expected to deliver advantages, as reflected in the existing literature. Copyright , Beech Tree Publishing.