Flexible VideoCoding SchemeforContent-based VideoStorage andRetrieval
Inthis paper, weproposed a novel flexible video coCdin1g scheme forcontent-based video storage and retrieval. Theproposed flexible videocodinig scheme applies shot clusterinig ontheuncompressed vidleo inthe first passandencodes thevideo inmulti-clusters based onidifferent videocontents inthesecond pass.T1e Com1pre,sSed video canbeflexibly decoding tomeetthe differenit requirements suchasvideoindexing, vidceo summary anmd structure extraction without fully decoding an1d re-analyzing. .4Aso theflexible encoder canachieve global coding optimization bvencoding similarity video shots continuousliy Itisveryimportant toreduce the process complexity atthedecoder andprovide the flexible video content access onthecompressed videos in many1 off-line video storage anid retrieval applicatio1ns. Theexperimentst onsportandflfihn videos illustrate the coding perfornmance increase andtheeffect ofthe prmoposed codinlg schemie forcontent-based video storage.I
[1] Jean-Marc Odobez,et al. Video Shot Clustering using Spectral Methods , 2003 .