항만경쟁요인의 변화에 관한 연구 - 아시아 역내 인접 항만을 중심으로 -
With development of Asia's economy, the ports in trunk route have increased its handling capacity. According to previous studies, main determinants to become hub-port are referred to location, connection inland transport with hinterland, port service availability and efficiency, cost of port handling, socio-economic stability and port information system etc. This study aims to investigate the changes in factors determine port's competitiveness particularly in Asian neighbor ports such as Hong Kong port and Shenzen port, and Singapore port and the Port of Tanjung Pelapas in Malaysia by comparing and analyzing main indicators relating to those ports. In conclusion, main reasons which gained competitiveness by newly developed ports such as Shenzen port and the Port of Tanjung Pelapas were port price and massive hinterland space offered.