Revenue Failures and Collusion in Combinatorial Auctions and Exchanges with VCG Payments

A mechanism for multiple goods and interdependent valuations p. 15 A budget-balanced, incentive-compatible scheme for social choice p. 30 An options-based method to solve the composability problem in sequential auctions p. 44 "CONFESS" : eliciting honest feedback without independent verification authorities p. 59 Generalized knapsack solvers for multi-unit combinatorial auctions : analysis and application to computational resource allocation p. 73 Designing auctions for deliberative agents p. 87 An evolutionary game-theoretic comparison of two double-auction market designs p. 101 Auctions and bidding with information p. 115 Multi-attribute bilateral bargaining in a one-to-many setting p. 129 Bidding for customer orders in TAC SCM p. 143 Agents' strategies for the dual parallel search in partnership formation applications p. 158 Three automated stock-trading agents : a comparative study p. 173 Specifying and monitoring market mechanisms using rights and obligations p. 188 iAuctionMaker : a decision support tool for mixed bundling p. 202