Using Spectral Moment Data from NOAA's 404-MHz Radar Wind Profilers to Observe Precipitation

A brief description is given of NOAA's 404-MHz Wind Profiler Demonstration Network (WPDN), including the radar configuration, sampling strategy, site locations and characteristics, and a discussion of the Doppler power spectrum and its first three spectral moments: signal power (S), radial velocity (Vr), and velocity variance (σ2). Evidence is presented showing that 6-min time resolution spectral moment data from the vertically pointing beam of a WPDN wind profiler can be used to identify when precipitation is present above the profiler. Signatures of snow, light and moderate stratiform rain, heavy convective rain, freezing rain, and snow within jet stream cirrus are illustrated and summarized. Although radar reflectivity factor (Z) cannot be determined from WPDN wind profilers, the precipitation rates and fall speeds shown to be observable in the cases documented here are roughly consistent with earlier studies suggesting that precipitation with Z > 0–15 dBZ should typically be observable at 404 MHz, and...