Measurement of the series elastic component at various times during a single muscle twitch

It is well known that active striated muscle behaves as a two-component system of active contractile components in series with passive elastic ones (see, for example, Levin & Wyman, 1927; Hill, 1938, 1953; Katz, 1939; Wilkie, 1950). The contractile component is brought into being within 10 msec of a stimulus; it remains in full activity for about 50 msec, then disappears with a characteristic time course over the following 300 msec. All these times refer to frog's sartorius at 00 C; they are approximately halved for each 100 C rise in temperature (Hill, 1951; Macpherson & Wilkie, 1953; Ritchie, 1954). But what of the series elastic component? Is it there all the time or does it also vary from moment to moment after the stimulus?