Dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills

There is no doubt that all levels of the South African education system consider the academic achievement of our country‘s children of the utmost importance. Each day the public is continually reminded of this through newspapers, radio, and television reports describing the adequacy or inadequacy of educational policy and practices. Certainly, reading achievement is among the most important of educational goals for this nation‘s children. Understanding that the foundation of a child‘s future reading success is often determined before leaving Grade 3 (Juel, 1988), the continual assessment of component literacy skills beginning when children enter pre-school, has become increasingly popular and prevalent in today‘s schools. The National Research Council (1998) indicated that assessment systems that can identify reading difficulties early and prevent later reading failure need to be in place. Good, Simmons, and Smith (1998, p. 46) state that assessment procedures are needed to ―(a) identify children early who are experiencing difficulty acquiring early literacy skills, (b) contribute to the effectiveness of interventions by providing ongoing feedback to teachers, parents, and learners, (c) evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for individual learners, (d) determine when learner progress is adequate and further intervention is not necessary, and (f) evaluate the overall effectiveness of early intervention efforts‖.

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