A Framework for Representing Driving Knowledge

This article describes a specific formalism used for representing driving knowledge in the Cognitive Simulation MOdel of the DRIVEr developed at French National Institute of Research on Transport and Safety. In the 1st part, a synthetic overview on driver models available in ergonomics and psychology literature is given. Different approaches are described and discussed: driving task models, risk models, and computational models. The 2nd part is centered on the description of the tactical module of COgnitive Simulation MOdel of the DRIVEr. The general architecture of the module, the knowledge base, and the main processes involved at the tactical level are presented. The 3rd part discusses the main characteristics of driving knowledge. The last part describes the formalism used in the model for representing driving knowledge: the driving frames. The computational description of driving frames is realized with the Object-Oriented Modeling Technique of Rumbaugh (Rumbaugh, Blaha, Eddy, Lorensen, & Premerlani, ...