Enhancement of the Aeroservoelastic Capability in Astros.
Abstract : This report documents the results of an STTR Phase I feasability study to investigate potential aerodynamic and aeroservoelastic enhancements to the 'Automated Structural Optimization System (ASTROS).' This study included the development of the Unified S-Domain Aerodynamics package which provides capability for aerodynamic modeling of arbitrary and complex aircraft geometries, including stores, throughout the entire flight regime, including transonic and hypersonic flight. The aerodynamics module utilizes four existing aerodynamic codes to accomplish this airload prediction capability. Additionally, a new aerodynamic geometry module was created to simplify the aerodynamic modeling of an aircraft regardless of the particular analysis code being employed. This research effort also included the development of a software design blueprint for an aeroservoelastic analysis and design module. Through a state-space formulation of the problem, this module allows the inclusion of control system design variables such as gain and phase margins, vibration frequencies, and damping ratios in the design and optimization of flexible aircraft structures.