The Clementine Mission: Initial Results from lunar mapping

Clementine was a mission designed to test the space worthiness of a variety of advanced sensors for use on military surveillance satellites while, at the same time, gathering useful scientific information on the composition and structure of the Moon and a near Earth asteroid. Clementine was dispatched for an extended stay in the vicinity of Earth's Moon on 25 Jan. 1994 and arrived at the Moon on 20 Feb. 1994. The spacecraft started systematic mapping on 26 Feb., completed mapping on 22 Apr., and left lunar orbit on 3 May. The entire Clementine project, from conception through end of mission, lasted approximately three years. Topographic profiles derived from lidar laser altimetry permitted construction of a global topographic map of the Moon. Clementine also aimed at mapping the color of the Moon in eleven different wavelengths in the visible and near infrared parts of the system. With rock and soil samples of known geological context available from the Apollo and Lunar programs, the Clementine mission offers the data needed to construct a global digital image model of the Moon.