Robust Few-shot Learning Without Using any Adversarial Samples

—The high cost of acquiring and annotating samples has made the ‘few-shot’ learning problem of prime importance. Existing works mainly focus on improving performance on clean data and overlook robustness concerns on the data perturbed with adversarial noise. Recently, a few efforts have been made to combine the few-shot problem with the robustness objective using sophisticated Meta-Learning techniques. These methods rely on the generation of adversarial samples in every episode of training, which further adds a computational burden. To avoid such time- consuming and complicated procedures, we propose a simple but effective alternative that does not require any adversarial samples. Inspired by the cognitive decision-making process in humans, we enforce high-level feature matching between the base class data and their corresponding low-frequency samples in the pretraining stage via self distillation. The model is then fine-tuned on the samples of novel classes where we additionally improve the discriminability of low-frequency query set features via cosine similarity. On a 1 -shot setting of the CIFAR-FS dataset, our method yields a massive improvement of 60 . 55% & 62 . 05% in adversarial accuracy on the PGD and state-of-the-art Auto Attack, respectively, with a minor drop in clean accuracy compared to the baseline. Moreover, our method only takes 1 . 69 × of the standard training time while being ≈ 5 × faster than state-of-the-art adversarial meta-learning methods. The code is available at

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