클러터가 존재하는 환경에서의 ITS 필터를 이용한 재진입 발사체의 낙하지점 추정 기법 연구

Space launch vehicles are designed to fly according to the elaborate pre-determined path. However, if a vehicle went out of the planned trajectory or its thrust terminated abnormally, or if a free-fall atmospheric reentry vehicle tracked by a tracking sensor became impossible to be measured, it is required to attempt to track by a another track equipment or estimate its impact point rapidly. In this paper a new algorithm is proposed, named the ITS-EKF combined with the Integrated Track Splitting (ITS) algorithm and the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to obtain the location information of a ballistic projectile without thrust, create its track and maintain it in an environment with clutter. For the reentry vehicle, the track performance is to be verified and the impact point is estimated by applying the simulation through ITS-EKF algorithm. To ensure the proposed algorithm"s adequacy, by comparing the track performance and impact point distribution by the ITS-EKF with those of ITS-PF combined with ITS and Particle Filter (PF), it is confirmed that the ITS-EKF algorithm can be used an effective real-time On-line impact point prediction.