Coordination and Syntactic Hierarchy

This article discusses the syntax of coordinate structures, in particular the status of initial coordinators, multiple coordination, and the asymmetries between conjuncts with respect to c-command relations. The idea of coordinators as heads hence the COP - is endorsed, but not for initial coordinators; rather they figure in a separate 'distributive phrase', which is transparently correlated to the (often ambiguous) semantics of the construction. Furthermore, it is argued that the lack of c-command between conjuncts is an instance of a broader effect, namely the 'invisibility' of paratactic material in general - and of second conjuncts in particular. Therefore, the grammar must have means to attach a paratactic constituent to the rest of the structure in a way that will eventually block c-command relations from the context. As this is not standardly available, we are led to define an operation called b-Merge, which induces a special type of inclusion relation, 'behindance'. Thus, a modern revival of the 3D approach to coordination is brought about.

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