A statistical approach for identification of potential pollution incidents due to lignite mining activity in a surface water stream

AbstractThe present study aims to the development of a methodology for the identification of potential pollution incidents in surface water bodies, by the utilization of statistical techniques, using monitoring data collected from a multi-parametric sensors system. Demonstration of the proposed methodology carried out in a surface water stream located within a lignite mine area in Northern Greece; an on-line water quality monitoring system using multi-parametric sensors was installed in three representative sites of the study area, and the corresponding measured parameters included pH, temperature, conductivity, nitrate ions (), sulfate ions (), and chloride ions (Cl−) for a period of about 10 months. This system comprised of a probe containing the measuring elements (electrodes and sensors) and additional hardware/software for data collection, processing and transfer through the internet (wireless telemetry). The data collected from the monitoring station were treated using a statistical approach, aiming...