The Development of Game to Develop the Cognitive Skill for Autistic Children via Virtual Reality

This research proposes a virtual reality game to develop the cognitive skill for autistic children and presents satisfactionassessment to our proposed game. The game aims to develop cognitive skills, especially, in the case of developing listeningskills and recognition skills (memory) of autistic children during the age of 8-11 years with three sequential parts. PartI is a developmental training on listening and memorization about traffic rules, animals, and virtual environments. Thepurpose of virtual reality is to add a feeling of realistic that appeals to the user. Part II is a game to test cognitive skillsand to learn the rule based on game. Lastly, Part III is a report generated for parents, caregivers, and doctors, so that theyhave information for the traceable intelligence of cognitive development of children found in Parts I and II. There are 15sample subjects (5 autistic children and 10 caregivers). The instruments used in this study were our proposed game andquestionnaires. Mean and standard deviation are used to analyze data. The results showed that the overall satisfactionof our proposed game, which assessed by autistic children and caregivers was good at the level (x = 4.05, S.D. = 0.69and x = 3.99, S.D. = 0.67, respectively).