[Intravesical instillation of doxorubicin or epirubicin for chemoprophylaxis of superficial bladder cancer--the fifth study of the Japanese Urological Cancer Research Group for Adriamycin/Farumorubicin].

A total of 465 patients with primary and multiple or recurrent, stages Ta and T1 superficial bladder cancer were included in this randomized multicenter trial to compare the prophylactic effect by 17 times instillation of 40 mg doxorubicin or 40 mg epirubicin with no instillation after transurethral resection of tumor(s). The primary endpoint was first recurrence after transurethral resection. Endoscopic examination as well as urinary cytology was performed in each case every three months. It became evident that the recurrence rate in the doxorubicin or epirubicin instillation arm was lower that in the no instillation arm. Toxicity was mainly restricted to bladder irritation in about 10% of patients in each instillation arm.