The place of formal study in the post-graduate training of an electrical engineer

The paper examines the need for a period of formal post-graduate study by electrical engineers who will be concerned with research and development work in industry, as an integral part of their training. It is concluded that the need is real, and that study should be deferred for a year after graduation. Study courses can with advantage be organized co-operatively by an academic institution and local industry, and should be held at the academic institution. The possibilities of a full-time full-sessional course, a full-time course lasting about one term, and a part-time course are considered. The advantages, both educational and practical, are discussed and it is concluded that the national and industrial need is best met by the full-time one-term course. The problems this involves for the academic institution are considered, particularly in the recruitment of part-time lecturers from industry and the granting to them of some official status within the academic institution. The conclusions are illustrated by reference to a course with which the authors are concerned.