A gamma ray tomograph has been designed for the study of the modes of flow in dense phase pneumatic pipelines. The instrument has six americium-241 gamma ray sources and thirty miniature sodium iodide detectors arranged symmetrically around a pipe section. The instrumentation system comprises a multi-channel preamplifier, a CAMAC crate containing multi-channel discriminators, scalers and a GPIB crate controller, and an IBM-compatible personal computer. The detector gains are individually controlled by analogue voltage outputs provided by multi-channel DAC interface cards. The detector count-rates are used with a filtered linear back-projection algorithm to estimate the distribution of solid material over the pipe cross-section at a rate of ten images per second in real time. Preliminary laboratory tests have been carried out on a fluidised bed formed inside a permeameter tube and a full-scale test pipeline and instrument room have been developed for conveying tests.
Sanowar H. Khan,et al.
Finite element modelling of multielectrode capacitive systems for flow imaging
B. T. Hjertaker,et al.
The development of a dual mode tomography for three-component flow imaging
J. S. Mason,et al.
Bulk solids handling
J. H. Hubbell,et al.
Photon mass attenuation and energy-absorption coefficients
A. C. Riddle,et al.
Inversion of Fan-Beam Scans in Radio Astronomy
Maurice Beck,et al.
Design of sensor electronics for electrical capacitance tomography
David John Mason.
A study of the modes of gas-solids flow in pipelines
F. J. Dickin,et al.
Tomographic imaging of industrial process equipment : techniques and applications