New SPOT generation

Abstract After the successfull launch of the SPOT 1 satellite by ARIANE on february 1986 and the satisfactory operations of the system it has been decided: • • to develop two recurrent models named SPOT 2 and SPOT 3, SPOT 2 is now ready to be launched mid 89 and the manufacturing of SPOT 3 is in progress, • • to develop improved satellites SPOT 4 and SPOT 5 to establish a continuity of the SPOT data and services up to the year 2000. The main technical choices of this new generation are described in this paper mainly: • • extension of the high resolution mission through the addition of a new band in the middle infrared region, • • addition of an optical payload called “Vegetation” which is characterized by wide field of view and high radiometric resolution. The mission of “Vegetation” is operational world wide monitoring of the earth's vegetation and oceans. • • extension of the performances and life duration of the satellite. • • capability to embark new passengers mainly a terminal to experiment optical link between a low orbiting satellite (SPOT) and a geostationnary satellite, the data being relayed to the ground through a radiofrequency link.