The City That Became Safe: New York's Lessons for Urban Crime and Its Control

Foreward Preface Part I: Anatomy of a Crime Decline Chapter 1: The Crime Decline - Some Vital Statistics Chapter 2: A Safe City Now? Part II: In Search of the New York Difference Chapter 3: Continuity and Change in New York City Chapter 4: Of Demography and Drugs: Testing Two 1990s Theories of Crime Causation Chapter 5: Policing in New York City Part III: Lessons and Questions Chapter 6: Open Questions Chapter 7: Lessons for American Crime Control Chapter 8: Crime and the City Appendix A: Staten Island: Crime, Policing and Population in New York's Fifth Borough Appendix B: The Invisible Economics of New York City Incarceration Appendix C: New York City Arrest Data and Borough Enforcement Staffing References Index