Differences in the dissipation of the effect of adaptation to two kinds of field displacement during head movements

When Ss were simultaneously adapted to horizontal and to vertical target displacements of equal rate during head turning about a vertical axis, the adaptation effects measured by one-trial tests immediately after the adaptation period were about equal. But retests after a time lapse of 10 and 20 min, during which S sat immobile and with eyes closed, showed a greatly different rate of dissipation of the two adaptation effects. After a lapse of 20 min, the effect of adaptation to horizontal target displacements had been reduced to 37%, whereas the effect of adaptation to vertical displacements at this final test still stood at 80% of the initial measurement. The decline over 20 min in the latter case was so smail that it could readily be ascribed to an effect of the two tests that preceded the final test. These two tests represented an effective exposure to natural viewing conditions and hence caused an unlearning of the adaptation, an effect whose existence we had demonstrated in previous work with the one-trial test.