Computerised library services in Pakistan 307 The development of computerised library services in Pakistan A review of the literature

Computer technology in libraries has revolutionised the concept of rapid and accurate information services. In Pakistan, though, computer technology is new and is being successfully introduced in all types of libraries and information centres. This article reviews the literature on the use of computers in Pakistan’s libraries. The literature includes monographs, journal articles, reports, etc. published inside and outside Pakistan, discussing information technology, specific library applications, the activities of individual libraries and automation education. The need for library automation and the problems faced by Pakistani professionals in this respect are also discussed. Introduction Although the use of computers in libraries and information centres is a recent innovation in the developed world, during the last ten years a significant number of Pakistani libraries have also been enjoying the benefits of this technology. With the inception of computer technology in libraries new terms like “information technology” and “library automation” have become common. Computers, telecommunications and microelectronics are used in libraries for obtaining, storing and transferring information. The ability of a computer to carry out these library functions quickly, accurately, and systematically, makes it a most useful tool. The timely availability of information can play a fundamental role in the development of a country like Pakistan. International agencies played a very important role in introducing computerised library services to Pakistan. Among these organisations the most noteworthy are the Asia Foundation, USAID, the International Development Research Centre of Canada, and the Netherlands government. These agencies provided Pakistani libraries with funds and advisory services. During the 1990s the Netherlands Library Development Project (NLDP) was instrumental in introducing new information technology to Pakistan. Its major projects included the provision of hardware to libraries and library schools, establishment of computer centres, training of professionals inside and outside Pakistan, library software development, retrospective conversion, developing CD-ROM databases, and introducing information technology into the library science curriculum. From the beginning of computer use in Pakistani libraries, authors in the field of library and information science have written about it. A reasonable Asian Libraries, Vol. 8 No. 9, 1999, pp. 307-328. © MCB University Press, 1017-6748 Refereed article received 20 August 1998 Approved for publication 1 April 1999