In addition to a well-documented potential to cause injury to fruit trees, a region-wide outbreak of pear thrips (Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel)) in the northeastern United States in the late 1980s resulted in significant defoliation of stands of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and other deciduous trees. Commercially available sticky traps were used to monitor activity and relative densities of pear thrips adults at different heights (0 to 15 m) in the canopy of sugar maple stands throughout the season, in 1991 to 1993. In all years and at all sites, sticky visual traps on 1-m wooden stakes consistently captured the first thrips of the season on the same day or earlier (up to 14 d) than conical emergence traps placed on the ground surface. Thrips were captured on the highest sticky traps on the same day they were captured on sticky traps at lower levels. Regression analysis indicated that 1 m high sticky traps offer a good predictive measure of total thrips captures and thrips captures on the highest sticky traps. Commercially available sticky traps represent a standardized, easily deployed method, which does not require either specialized equipment or extensive training for conducting pear thrips survey and detection over large areas, and a useful tool to detect first pear thrips emergence and to document subsequent patterns of activity within maple stands. Resume : En plus de sa capacitO bien documentOe de causer des dommages aux arbres fruitiers, une vaste OpidOmie du thrips du poirier (Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel)) survenue dans le nord-est des …tats-Unis ‡ la fin des annOes 1980 a causO une dOfoliation sOvre des peuplements diOrable ‡ sucre ( Acer saccharum Marsh.) et diautres essences dOcidues. Des trappes enduites diune substance collante et disponibles commercialement furent utilisOes pour suivre liactivitO et la densitO relative des insectes adultes ‡ diffOrentes hauteurs (0 ‡ 15 m) dans le couvert de peuplements diOrable ‡ sucre tout au long de la saison de croissance, de 1991 ‡ 1993. ? toutes les annOes et dans tous les sites, les trappes faites diune pice de bois de 1 m enduite diune substance collante et conAues pour une observation visuelle ont toujours capturO le premier insecte de la saison le mŒme jour ou jusqui‡ 14 jours plus tUt que les trappes coniques diOmergence placOes ‡ la surface du sol. Des thrips ont OtO capturOs sur les trappes enduites diune substance collante les plus OlevOes le mŒme jour que sur celles qui Otaient situOes ‡ des niveaux infOrieurs. Un analyse de rOgression a montrO que les trappes enduites diune substance collante placOes ‡ 1 m de hauteur fournissent une bonne mesure prOdictive des captures totales de thrips et des captures de thrips sur les trappes les plus OlevOes. Les trappes enduites diune substance collante et disponibles commercialement sont faciles ‡ dOployer et offrent une mOthode standardisOe qui niexige pas diOquipement spOcialisO ou un long entraOnement pour rOaliser un inventaire ou dOtecter le thrips du poirier sur un vaste territoire. Elles constituent un outil utile pour dOtecter liOmergence des premiers thrips du poirier et Otudier les patrons subsOquents diactivitOs dans les Orablires. (Traduit par la ROdaction)
E. Cameron,et al.
Within–Tree Distribution of Pear Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Sugar Maple
C. Maier.
Development and Abundance of the Pear Thrips in a Connecticut Apple Orchard
D. Davis,et al.
Discula campestris infection of sugar maple leaves associated with pear thrips injury.
T. Kolb,et al.
Etiology of sugar maple decline in four Pennsylvania stands
E. Cameron,et al.
Distribution of pear thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in three forest soil drainage classes
G. Stanosz.
Symptoms, association, and pathogenicity of Discula campestris, a cause of sugar maple seedling anthracnose
M. Skinner,et al.
Vertical Distribution of Pear Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Forest Soils
C. Hollingsworth,et al.
Traps for Monitoring Pear Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Maple Stands and Apple Orchards
J. Elkinton,et al.
The Canadian Entomologist.
Charles J. Barnett,et al.
Temporal change (1988–1990) in sugar maple health, and factors associated with crown condition
K. Raffa,et al.
Seasonal Life History of Introduced Basswood Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Wisconsin, with Observations on Associated Thrips Species
T. Kolb,et al.
Effects of temperature during bud burst on pear thrips damage to sugar maple
L. H. McCormick,et al.
Impacts of Pear Thrips Damage on Root Carbohydrate, Sap, and Crown Characteristics of Sugar Maples in a Pennsylvania Sugarbush
T. Kolb,et al.
Physiological responses of pear thrips-damaged sugar maples to light and water stress.
Tree physiology.
M. Skinner,et al.
Verticillium lecanii, isolated from larvae of pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens, in Vermont
T. Kolb,et al.
Relationship between sugar maple budburst phenology and pear thrips damage
M. Skinner,et al.
Analysis of thrips distribution: application of spatial statistics and Kriging
J. Bater.
Soil sampling and extraction methods with possible application to pear thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
J. Grehan,et al.
A method for extracting pear thrips from forest soils
M. Skinner,et al.
Bioecology of pear thrips: distribution in forest soils
James E. Vogelmann,et al.
Use of thematic mapper data for the detection of forest damage caused by the pear thrips
M. Skinner,et al.
THE LIFE CYCLE OF PEAR THRIPS, Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel)
S. Bailey.
Factors Influencing Pear Thrips Abundance And Effectiveness Of Cultural control
Canada.,et al.
The pear thrips (Taeniothrips inconsequens Uzel) and its control in British Columbia
S. M. Daniel.
New California Thysanoptera