Fermi-Dirac statistics are one of two kinds of statistics exhibited by!identical quantum particles, the other being !Bose-Einstein statistics. Such particles are called fermions and bosons respectively (the terminology is due to Dirac [1902-1984] [1]). In the light of the !spin-statistics theorem, and consistent with observation, fermions are invariably spinors (of half-integral spin), whilst bosons are invariably scalar or vector particles (of integral spin). See !spin. In general, in quantum mechanics, the available states of a homogeneous many-particle system in thermal equilibrium, for given total energy, are counted as equiprobable. For systems of exactly similar (identical) fermions or bosons, states which di¤er only in the permutation of two or more particles are not only counted as equiprobable they are identi
ed (call this permutivity). Fermions di¤er from bosons in that no two fermions can be in exactly the same 1-particle state. This further restriction follows from the!Pauli exclusion principle. The thermodynamic properties of gases of such particles were
rst worked out by Fermi [1901-1954] in 1925 [2], and, independently, by Dirac in 1926 [3]. To understand the consequences of these two restrictions, consider a system of N weakly-interacting identical particles, with states given by the various 1particle energies s together with their degeneraciesthe number Cs of distinct 1-particle states of each energy s. From permutivity, the total state of a gas is fully speci
ed by giving the number of particles with energy s in each of the Cs possible states, i.e. by giving the occupation numbers nk for each s, k = 0; 1; ; ; ; Cs. We suppose all possible states of the same total energy E and, supposing particle number is conserved, of the same total number N; are available to the N particles when in thermal equilibrium, i.e. all sets of occupations numbers that satisfy:
P. Ehrenfest,et al.
Die wellenmechanische Interpretation der Boltzmannschen Statistik neben der der neueren Statistiken
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac,et al.
On the Theory of quantum mechanics
E. Fermi,et al.
Zur Quantelung des idealen einatomigen Gases
W. Heitler.
Störungsenergie und Austausch beim Mehrkörperproblem
On the explanation for quantum statistics
F. London,et al.
Wechselwirkung neutraler Atome und homöopolare Bindung nach der Quantenmechanik
Steven French,et al.
The esperable uberty of quantum chromodynamics
Cathryn Carson.
The peculiar notion of exchange forces—I: Origins in quantum mechanics, 1926–1928