An Integrated Digital Well Logging System
Basics of the SLAM Digital Combination Logging System are discussed including an overview which describes each of its major components; the computerbased surface data acquisition system, wellsite analysis software package, and the individual and combination measurement systems used with SLAM. Combination logging runs that are possible with the SLAM system are presented to illustrate their application in a number of different geologic and borehole conditions. The advantages to performing combination logging runs are also discussed. Log presentations available are illustrated to demonstrate methods for displaying combination log data in usable formats. Diagnostic programs and troubleshooting aids are reviewed to demonstrate their ability to help predict when equipment is becoming marginal, and to minimize lost time due to equipment failure. Standard methods for performing instrument calibrations are described, including techniques to perform master calibrations at the shop or wellsite, as well as before and after wellsite checks performed with instruments suspended over the borehole, or on the catwalk.