Modelling natural disturbances in forest ecosystems: a review

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[10]  Ola Sallnäs,et al.  Climate change and the probability of wind damage in two Swedish forests. , 2010 .

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[24]  F. Moreira,et al.  Regional variations in wildfire susceptibility of land-cover types in Portugal: implications for landscape management to minimize fire hazard , 2009 .

[25]  O. Viedma,et al.  Landscape structural features control fire size in a Mediterranean forested area of central Spain. , 2009 .

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[31]  A. Wolf,et al.  Quantifying disturbance effects on vegetation carbon pools in mountain forests based on historical data , 2009 .

[32]  Manfred J. Lexer,et al.  Modelling bark beetle disturbances in a large scale forest scenario model to assess climate change impacts and evaluate adaptive management strategies , 2009 .


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[35]  Nicholas C. Coops,et al.  Prediction and assessment of bark beetle-induced mortality of lodgepole pine using estimates of stand vigor derived from remotely sensed data , 2009 .

[36]  Ross A. Bradstock,et al.  Relative importance of fuel management, ignition management and weather for area burned: evidence from five landscape–fire–succession models , 2009 .

[37]  B. Hawkes,et al.  Influence of fire and mountain pine beetle on the dynamics of lodgepole pine stands in British Columbia, Canada , 2009 .

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[58]  D. Pothier,et al.  Simulations of the effects of changes in mean fire return intervals on balsam fir abundance, and implications for spruce budworm outbreaks , 2008 .

[59]  Y. Bergeron,et al.  Ecosystem management based on large-scale disturbance pulses: A case study from sub-boreal forests of western Quebec (Canada) , 2008 .

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[67]  Manfred J. Lexer,et al.  Impact of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) disturbance on timber production and carbon sequestration in different management strategies under climate change , 2008 .

[68]  Ross A. Bradstock,et al.  The relative importance of fine-scale fuel mosaics on reducing fire risk in south-west Tasmania, Australia , 2008 .

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[70]  Barry Gardiner,et al.  A review of mechanistic modelling of wind damage risk to forests , 2008 .

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[118]  Anja Rammig,et al.  Wind disturbance in mountain forests: Simulating the impact of management strategies, seed supply, and ungulate browsing on forest succession , 2007 .

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[195]  Sigrid Netherer,et al.  Predisposition assessment systems (PAS) as supportive tools in forest management—rating of site and stand-related hazards of bark beetle infestation in the High Tatra Mountains as an example for system application and verification , 2005 .

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[201]  Robert E. Keane,et al.  A classification of landscape fire succession models: spatial simulations of fire and vegetation dynamics , 2004 .

[202]  S. Sheppard,et al.  The application of a hierarchical, decision-support system to evaluate multi-objective forest management strategies: a case study in northeastern British Columbia, Canada , 2004 .

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[209]  C. Schill,et al.  A neural network approach to identify forest stands susceptible to wind damage , 2004 .

[210]  Ari Venäläinen,et al.  Simulations of the influence of forest management on wind climate on a regional scale , 2004 .

[211]  Ola Sallnäs,et al.  WINDA—a system of models for assessing the probability of wind damage to forest stands within a landscape , 2004 .

[212]  Christian Wissel,et al.  Reconstructing spatiotemporal dynamics of Central European natural beech forests: the rule-based forest model BEFORE , 2004 .

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