[Implementation of Remote Clinics in urology practice during the COVID-19 era: What have we learned?]

The COVID-19 pandemic has requiredd rastic measures for an attempt in controlling its spread. Health resources and facilities are being destined for the treatment of critically ill infected patients. During the past weeks, we, as urologists have faced increasingly difficult changes in practice, as out patient activity and elective surgeries must be postponed in order to save resources and limit the mobilization of patients and faculty. During this conflictive situation, telehealth medicine can provide adequate support using technological tools and trying to simulate face-to-face consults with the use of video or telephone calls. However, many out patient clinics and facilities are not ready yet for telehealth as their experience in this area is low. The benefits for telemedicine in urology are continuing urologic outpatient follow-up, providing recommendations and prescriptions, and the triage of patients who will need urgent procedures. Urology residency training has suffered an abrupt disruption nowadays as outpatient, surgical and academic meetings are cancelled. In this scenario, virtual strategies and "smart learning" activities are being used to continue education. We provide a review of the latest published literature regarding the use of telehealth medicine or telemedicine for the modern urology practice, along side our recommendations and conclusions.