Pop-out in feature search is spatiotopic.

Introduc1on With each saccade, the image on the re@na shiMs abruptly but our percep@on of the world remains stable. Numerous studies have examined the role of spa@al aPen@on in matching pre-­‐ to post-­‐ saccadic visual informa@on [e.g., 1]. But the BLOCKIN BLOCKIN processing BLOCKIN BLOCKIN of BLOCKIN BLOCKIN feature-­‐based BLOCKIN BLOCKIN aPen@on across saccades remains unclear. A pop-­‐out target captured aPen@on in a feature search array [2]. We asked whether the presence of a pop-­‐out target before the saccade primed its processing following the saccade, and if so, in what coordinate frame.