Simultaneous Intracranial EEG-fMRI Shows Inter-Modality Correlation in Time-Resolved Connectivity Within Normal Areas but Not Within Epileptic Regions

For the first time in research in humans, we used simultaneous icEEG-fMRI to examine the link between connectivity in haemodynamic signals during the resting-state (rs) and connectivity derived from electrophysiological activity in terms of the inter-modal connectivity correlation (IMCC). We quantified IMCC in nine patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (i) within brain networks in ‘healthy’ non-involved cortical zones (NIZ) and (ii) within brain networks involved in generating seizures and interictal spikes (IZ1) or solely spikes (IZ2). Functional connectivity (h2) estimates for 10 min of resting-state data were obtained between each pair of electrodes within each clinical zone for both icEEG and fMRI. A sliding window approach allowed us to quantify the variability over time of h2 (vh2) as an indicator of connectivity dynamics. We observe significant positive IMCC for h2 and vh2, for multiple bands in the NIZ only, with the strongest effect in the lower icEEG frequencies. Similarly, intra-modal h2 and vh2 were found to be differently modified as a function of different epileptic processes: compared to NIZ, $$h_{\text{BOLD}}^{2}$$hBOLD2 was higher in IZ1, but lower in IZ2, while $$h_{\text{icEEG}}^{2}$$hicEEG2 showed the inverse pattern. This corroborates previous observations of inter-modal connectivity discrepancies in pathological cortices, while providing the first direct invasive and simultaneous comparison in humans. We also studied time-resolved FC variability multimodally for the first time, finding that IZ1 shows both elevated internal $$h_{\text{BOLD}}^{2}$$hBOLD2 and less rich dynamical variability, suggesting that its chronic role in epileptogenesis may be linked to greater homogeneity in self-sustaining pathological oscillatory states.

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