Preface 3th Workshop "Large-scale Hydrological Modelling – Hydrological Modelling for the Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Landscape Functions", 25–27 November 2009, Dresden

The 13th Workshop “Large-scale Hydrological Modeling” was held during 25–27 November 2009 in Dresden. Launched in 1997, this event provides a platform to present the state-of-the-art on large-scale hydrological modelling within the German-speaking community and to critically discuss current and future research approaches. The workshop was hosted by the Institute for Soil Science and Site Ecology (TU Dresden), member of the Dresden Water Center (DKW). Based on last year’s focus (“Transdisciplinary Concepts and Modelling Strategies for the Assessment of Complex Environmental Systems”), this year’s workshop kept integrated modelling as one of its key topics. The demands caused by global change (especially climate change) require a holistic view upon complex natural and social conditions. Such a holistic approach is both essential for well-founded prediction models as for high spatial/temporal resolution in the models, e.g. in the development of reasonable future scenarios. The particular responsibility of the modeler on decision-making – especially considering the large number of currentlydeveloped decision support tools – were discussed at the meeting as well as possibilities and limits of simplification and aggregation of model results for dissemination (other scientific disciplines, stakeholders, decision makers). The subject of “Hydrologic Modelling for the Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Landscape Functions” has been a discussion point between of the more than 70 participants coming from Germany and neighbouring countries. In detail,