Destriping of Hyperion images using low-pass-filter and local-brightness-normalization

Hyperion data contain significant amount of Salt-and-Pepper/random noise and stripes even in L1R radiance images, which give rise to false absorption features appear in the radiance spectra as well as in reflectance spectra after atmospheric correction, such features can potentially mislead spectral analysis. In this paper, we present a hybrid approach for correcting pixels with no radiance values and removing Salt-and-Pepper/random noise and stripes from Hyperion radiance image. In this study, "no-data" valued pixels are identified and corrected using local median filter, an MNF transformation is used in tandem to reduce random noise, a low-pass filtering is used to correct the bad-columns and global stripes, and a Local-Brightness-Normalization based algorithm is used to detect and correct local stripes from Hyperion L1R radiance images to get random noise free and destriped image.