Model checking LLVM IR using LTSmin : using relaxed memory model semantics
Advancements in computer architectures have resulted in an exponential increase in the speed
of processors and memory capacity. However, memory latencies have not improved to the same
extent, thus access times are increasingly limiting peak performance. To address this, several layers
of cache are added to computer architectures to speed up apparent memory access and instruction
are reordered to maximize memory throughput.
This worked well for single-processor systems, but because of physical limits, modern computer
architectures gain performance by adding more processors instead of increasing the clock speed.
In multi-processor systems, the cache and instruction reordering make communication complex,
because reads and writes of one processor may be observed in a different orders by different processors.
To mitigate this, some computer architectures add complex hardware at the cost of performance,
power requirements and die size. Other architectures employ a relaxed memory model and
add synchronization instructions, memory barriers, to the instruction set. This means the software
has to deal with the complexity. By placing memory barriers, an ordering on reads and writes can
be enforced, causing processors to synchronize.
However, memory barriers are expensive instructions and need only to be placed where absolutely
needed if performance is of importance. To this end, we present our tool, LLMC. The target of
LLMC is concurrent programs written in LLVM IR, an intermediate representation language with
numerous front-ends, e.g. for C, C++, Java, .NET, and Erlang. Using the model checker LTSmin, we
explore the state space of these programs in search of assertion violations, deadlocks and livelocks.
We do this for the memory models TSO, PSO and a limited version of RMO. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first tool that model checks LLVM IR programs running on PSO and a
limited version of RMO. We applied LLMC to a well-known concurrent queue, the Michael-Scott
queue, and were able to confirm the necessity of the required memory barriers for correctness
under RMO.