원자력발전소 인적요소 관리체계에서의 인적자원요소

Human factors related an safety actions of the Nuclear Power Plants (e.g. PSR (Periodic Safety Review), overhaul, inspection and audits) has Human Engineering Discrepancy (HED) and issues of human factors. HED and issues of human factors are considered to be an important subject. The solutions of HED and issue of human factors must also be taken into consideration integrated and systematical work processes and management plans. The range of human factors is based on the enforcement regulations and recent international technical reports. The main factors of human factors are the working conditions, qualifications, training of an employee, information requirement and workload, MMI (Man-Machine Interface), clearness of procedures, and operational experience. The factors of human resources include working conditions, qualifications, training of an employee. In this paper report on specific factors of human resources on HFMP (Human Factors Management Process) and deal with problems in human resources on application of HFMP in specific working environments of each Nuclear Power Plants. The derive of specific factors of human resources was made on the result of PSR, information of OPIS(Operational Performance Information System) for Nuclear Power Plants, application example of domestic and international electric power corporation and others fields of industry (e.g. military, shipbuilding, automobile).