3DP 공정을 이용한 오피스용 임의형상 제작시스템(SFFS)에 관한 연구
SFF(solid freeform fabrication) is another name of RP(rapid prototyping). The SFFS for office type wishes to develop system that can produce small object such as hand phone, cup, accessory etc. with high speed, and also intend suitable system in office environment by compact design, and buy easily by inexpensive price. As can manufacture high speed in existent SFF process technology, representative process that have competitive power in price is 3DP (three dimensional printing) technology. The 3DP technology is way to have general two dimensional printing technology and prints to three dimension, is technology that make three-dimensional solid freeform that want binder doing jetting selectively on powder through printer head. We designed and manufactured SFFS for office based on 3DP process technology design and manufactured, and composed head system so that use 3 printer heads at the same time to improve the fabrication speed of system. We used printer head of INCJET company and cartridge used HP45 series model who can buy easily in general city. And we directly fabricated three dimensional solid freeform using developed SFFS for office type.