Density‐weighted concentric circle trajectories for high resolution brain magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 7T

Full‐slice magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at ≥7 T is especially vulnerable to lipid contaminations arising from regions close to the skull. This contamination can be mitigated by improving the point spread function via higher spatial resolution sampling and k‐space filtering, but this prolongs scan times and reduces the signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) efficiency. Currently applied parallel imaging methods accelerate magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging scans at 7T, but increase lipid artifacts and lower SNR‐efficiency further. In this study, we propose an SNR‐efficient spatial‐spectral sampling scheme using concentric circle echo planar trajectories (CONCEPT), which was adapted to intrinsically acquire a Hamming‐weighted k‐space, thus termed density‐weighted‐CONCEPT. This minimizes voxel bleeding, while preserving an optimal SNR.

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