근대 고층건축의 외관형성의 영향인자에 관한 연구 ( A Study on the Effector to the Form Making of Modern High-rise Building )
One of outstanding aspects that has undergone vast changes after
Modern period in architectural field would be High-rise, that
was developed to answer these demands, has striking difference
from former architectural models in characteristics of function
and form, and its own unique and new characteristics can be read.
To extract cause that were behind these changes, four elements
could be named. First, developments of architectural engineering.
Technological develpments were only in effect in the early
development, which later lost its potential to be a real factor.
Second, Architectural tradition of the past. Particularly in the
early 20 century, traditional styles effected much on the early
development of highrise architecture and formal languagings.
Third Architectural theory, paticularly that of Modernism. Theory
of Modernism had forced to change the shape of architecture, it is
easy to see the effect in highrise building. Forth, the social
position that highrise building takes.