Recovery from Fail-Stop Failures in Parallel Fortran Applications

The Fortran 2018 standard defines syntax and semantics to allow a parallel application to recover from failed images (processes) during execution. This poster presents work to extend the GFortran compiler front end and OpenCoarrays library to support fault tolerant teams of images, enabling use of collective routines after an image failure. Disciplines Computer Sciences | Programming Languages and Compilers This poster is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: Example Fault-Tolerant Parallel Monte Carlo Pi Calculation ... do sample = 1, NSAMPLES call random_number(x); call random_number(y) if (hypot(x, y) <= 1) n = n + 1 end do if (this_image() == 1) n_copy = n do form team (1, team, stat=status) ! simulate image failure fail = size(failed_images()) < NFAIL & .and. this_image() == num_images() change team (team, stat=status) if (fail) fail image ! result undefined if image failure during ! co_sum(); use copy of n on image 1 if (this_image() == 1) n = n_copy call co_sum(n, result_image=1, stat=status) end team (stat=status) if (status /= STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) exit end do if (this_image() == 1) write(*,*) ‘pi (est.):’,& (4.0d0*n/NSAMPLES)/ (num_images()-size(failed_images())) Department of Computer Science Computer Science Graduate Student Organization February 14, 2019 Nathan Weeks, Glenn R. Luecke1, Pieter Maris2, James P. Vary2 Acknowledgements This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Award Numbers DE-FG02-87ER40371 and DE-SC0018223 (SciDAC-4/NUCLEI). Recovery from Fail-Stop Failures in Parallel Fortran Applications 1. Department of Mathematics 2. Department of Physics & Astronomy FORM TEAM creates a new team of images that excluded failed images. NEW_INDEX= specifier (not shown) enables deterministic ordering of images in team, facilitating non-shrinking recovery CHANGE TEAM/END TEAM synchronize only on active images of new team (previously all images of current team) FORM/CHANGE/END/SYNC TEAM and CRITICAL now accept STAT= and ERRMSG= arguments, and handle failed images only if STAT= is present Summary The Fortran 2018 standard defines syntax and semantics to allow a parallel application to recover from failed images (processes) during execution. This poster presents work to extend the GFortran compiler front end and OpenCoarrays library to support fault tolerant teams of images, enabling use of collective routines after an image failure. Problem ● The largest supercomputers today have tens of thousands of compute nodes—and a low Mean Time Between Failure (several hours) ○ Probability of failure unacceptably high for applications that use most/all of the system ○ Checkpoint/restart can be inefficient ● Fortran 2018 standardizes an API that allows an application to detect and recover from image failures, but only a partial implementation exists Try It Docker image with complete software environment (MPICH + modified GFortran & OpenCoarrays): $ alias d=’docker run -it -v $PWD:/mnt \ -w /mnt nathanweeks/opencoarrays:cs-gso-2019’ $ curl -L \ > cs-gso-2019.F90 $ d caf cs-gso-2019.F90 $ d cafrun -np 16 ./a.out pi (est.): 3.1410373333333337 FAILED_IMAGES() now works for teams other than the initial team, and supports an optional team argument, returning a list of failed images in that team Future Work ● Support teams with failed images containing coarrays (for one-sided gets/puts between images) ● Prototype fault-tolerant sparse matrix eigensolver from application MFDn Image indexes are preserved in the event of image failure, allowing one-sided gets/puts with coarrays (eventually: once teams supported with coarrays)