[Study of satellite tumor nodules in renal cell carcinoma].

Topography and histological types of main tumor and satellite tumor nodules (STN) were investigated on 60 cases of renal cell carcinoma by gross and microscopic study by making whole area histological sections. 30-100 histological slides were made from the median sagittal section and multiple horizontal sections of renal cell carcinoma. STN were observed in 28 cases of the 60 cases (46.7%) and could be classified into 3 types according to their location relative to the main tumor. STN could not be observed in some cases despite the large main tumor of 10 cm or more, while STN were observed in some cases with the main tumor of only 2.5 cm or less. High grade and high stage cases showed a high incidence of STN. It is considered that, only in cases, with the tumors of low grade, low stage and has only 1 STN or less, conservative surgery on renal parenchyma is possible. When the case is of low grade and low stage and has a possibility of preserving normal renal parenchyma, conservative surgery on renal parenchyma may be justified even if the tumor is large.