Predictors of mortality and institutionalization in Alzheimer disease patients 1 year after discharge from an Alzheimer dementia unit.

Several factors have been reported to predict death and institutionalization in demented patients, even if the results of the studies are often conflicting. We conducted a study on a group of 86 consecutive noninstitutionalized probable Alzheimer disease (AD) patients, to evaluate clinical and social factors predicting mortality and institutionalization 1 year after discharge from the Alzheimer Dementia Unit at 'Sacro Cuore Fatebenefratelli' Hospital, Brescia, Italy. The 1-year mortality rate was 13.9% and the 1-year rate of admission to a nursing home was 34%. Our data indicate that the number of lost functions on the Activity of Daily Living scale is the most important predictor of short-term mortality, independently of the degree of cognitive impairment, the duration of the dementia, the age of the patients and the number of chronic diseases. Our data also demonstrate that, in a short period of observation, behavioral disturbances (and in particular insomnia) and availability of social services play a major role in the decision to institutionalize AD patients.