A quantum coherent spin in a two-dimensional material at room temperature

Quantum networks and sensing require solid-state spin-photon interfaces that combine single-photon generation and long-lived spin coherence with scalable device integration, ideally at ambient conditions. Despite rapid progress reported across several candidate systems, those possessing quantum coherent single spins at room temperature remain extremely rare. Here, we report quantum coherent control under ambient conditions of a single-photon emitting defect spin in a a two-dimensional material, hexagonal boron nitride. We identify that the carbon-related defect has a spin-triplet electronic ground-state manifold. We demonstrate that the spin coherence is governed predominantly by coupling to only a few proximal nuclei and is prolonged by decoupling protocols. Our results allow for a room-temperature spin qubit coupled to a multi-qubit quantum register or quantum sensor with nanoscale sample proximity.

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