Automatic Identification of Mixed Retinal Cells in Time-Lapse Fluorescent Microscopy Images using High-Dimensional DBSCAN

Despite providing high spatial resolution, functional imaging remains largely unsuitable for high-throughput experiments because current practices require cells to be manually identified in a time-consuming procedure. Against this backdrop, we seek to integrate such high-resolution technique in high-throughput workflow by automating the process of cell identification. As a step forward, we attempt to identify mixed retinal cells in time-lapse fluorescent microscopy images. Unfortunately, usual 2D image segmentation as well as other existing methods do not adequately distinguish between time courses of different spatial locations. Here, the task gets further complicated due to the inherent heterogeneity of cell morphology. To overcome such challenge, we propose to use a high-dimensional (HiD) version of DBSCAN (density based spatial clustering of applications with noise) algorithm, where difference in such time courses are appropriately accounted. Significantly, outcome of the proposed method matches manually identified cells with over 80% accuracy, marking more than 50% improvement compared to a reference 2D method.