Composite construction in steel and concrete II : proceedings of an Engineering Foundation conference, Trout Lodge, Potosi, Missouri, June 14-19, 1992

Composite steel-concrete structures are widely used throughout the world. Applications range from buildings to bridges to foundations to special structures. In many instances, extensive research programs are associated with the development of new projects and design methods. Given this increasing use of composite steel-concrete structures, there is an increasing need for the collaboration and exchange of information between engineers worldwide. This proceedings, "Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete II", documents an international conference on composite steel-concrete structures sponsored by the Engineering Foundation and held in Potosi, Missouri, June 14-19, 1992. The technical papers are grouped under the four themes of the conference: codes, design, case studies, and research. Summary reports introduce each of these four groups. Some of the topics addressed include: composite floors and roofs; serviceability and ductility; fire and corrosion protection; behavior and design of shear connectors; seismic behavior of composite frames; panel-type structures; design considerations for composite columns; case studies for buildings and bridges; connection research; and research needs.