Properties of the Nili Fossae Olivine-phyllosilicate-carbonate lithology: orbital and in situ at Sé́ıtah

We have studied the observed properties of the Nili Fossae olivine-phyllosilicate-carbonate lithology from orbital data and in situ by the Mars 2020 rover at the Sé́ıtah unit in Jezero crater, including: 1) composition 2) grain size 3) inferred viscosity (calculated based on geochemistry collected by SuperCam (Wiens et al., 2022)). Based on the low viscosity and distribution of the unit we postulate a flood lava origin for the olivine-phyllosilicate-carbonate at Sé́ıtah. We include a new CRISM map of the phyllosilicate 2.38 μm band and use in situ data from Mars 2020 SuperCam Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and VISIR and MastCam-Z observations to show that the phyllosilicate in the olivine cumulate in the Sé́ıtah formation is either talc, serpentine, hectorite, Fe/Mg smectite, saponite or stevensite. We discuss two intertwining aspects of the history of the lithology: 1) the emplacement and properties of the cumulate layer within a lava lake, based on terrestrial analogs in the Pilbara, Western Australia, and using previously published models of flood lavas and lava lakes, and 2) the limited extent of post emplacement alteration, including phyllosilicate and carbonate

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